Travis Scott x Fragment x Air Jordan 1 Low OG 是日本街头服饰品牌嘻哈明星和乔丹在迈克尔乔丹首双签名鞋的低帮迭代上的三方合作。加入 Air Jordan 1 High OG,Travis Scott 和 Hiroshi Fujiwara 设计的 Jordan 1 Low OG 将说唱歌手和时装设计师的独特美学融合到复古篮球鞋的渐进设计中。帆皮出现在穿孔鞋头和中面板上。对比鲜明的黑色翻滚皮革为鞋头、前脚掌和孔眼增光添彩。双色调的白色和黑色色块模仿了 Air Jordan 1 原始“黑脚趾”配色的色彩节奏。超大号奶油色皮革 Swoosh 是对 Scott 1 年首次与 Air Jordan 2019 合作的造型致敬。双”仙人掌杰克”和”翅膀”刺绣分别出现在左右鞋的鞋跟上。此外,斯科特的“脸”图案和Fragment的“闪电”图像也分别浮雕在左右鞋上。经典的“Nike Air”品牌以蓝色印在白色尼龙舌标上。特拉维斯·斯科特 x 碎片 x Air Jordan 1 High OG“军蓝”是 2021 年最令人向往的运动鞋版本之一。发布日期:13 年 2021 月 <> 日
1 review for AIR JORDAN 1 LOW OG SP Travis Scott x Fragment
Rated 4 out of 5
I needed a walking shoe that gave me good support without rubbing blisters. I have a problem with my ankle that requires me to sit once or twice to allow the pain to subside. The first time I wore them on a 1.5mile walk I didn’t have to sit down, no blisters and my ankle only ached a little bit by the end of the walk. I was elated.
I needed a walking shoe that gave me good support without rubbing blisters. I have a problem with my ankle that requires me to sit once or twice to allow the pain to subside. The first time I wore them on a 1.5mile walk I didn’t have to sit down, no blisters and my ankle only ached a little bit by the end of the walk. I was elated.